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Sparrow Nest


 Workshop Details

Conducted by:

Upama Dhakal

rootsandshoots coordinator

Along with the JGInepal team.

Conducted at:

Ratobangla and New starpole School.


General facts about sparrows

-small, brownish, or
grayish songbird species


-Out of the 32 species, only five are found in Nepal,(House sparrows, Tree sparrows, Black-winged, Chestnut-shouldered sparrows, and Spanish sparrows.)


-Is primarily found in various habitats, such as farms, cities, marshes, forests, and grasslands.

-feed on insects and


-Has nest in many locations, including cracks in people's houses and other

safe havens.

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Key Issues

1. The regions that offer food, shelter, and nesting

to the birds of the Kathmandu Valley are vanishing.


2. Modern houses made of brick and cement concrete lack roofs that are suitable for
sparrows to build their nest.


3. The summertime
temperature increases due to climate change are another factor.


Hence, sparrows and their nests are in danger of extinction due to all of these factors.

Aim of Sparrow nest workshop

-to protect these birds and their habitats.

-to inform and aware the children of the current situation
of the sparrows in the valley.

-to involve children in saving the other species around them as a means of connecting them to the environment.

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